
We need your support!

We have had the privilege of competing so far as a result of the generosity of a few individuals in addition to covering many expenses ourselves. However, in order to build a sustainable program for Wheaton, we are relying on your support, and we hope that you will consider supporting us this season with a tax-deductible donation.

Our funds primarily go toward registration fees and travel expenses (e.g. gas and hotels), but funds are used for demonstratives and other case supplies as well, such as printing costs, report covers, and legal pads.  We typically travel to tournaments in Minneapolis, MN, Iowa City, IA, Bloomington, IL, Columbia, MO, and have traveled to several National Championship Tournaments over the last few seasons, including Washington, D.C., Orlando, FL, Cincinnati, OH, Greenville, SC, and Minneapolis, MN.

To give online, please visit:

Wheaton College Online Donations

Choose “Give to area(s) of your choice (choose one or more designations)”

Scroll to “Other Giving Opportunities” and select Mock Trial.

To give via mail:

Please make checks payable to “Wheaton College” and put “Mock Trial” on the memo line.

Checks can be sent to:


Note: If you would like to receive an official receipt letter certifying the tax-deductibility of your donation, please make sure that your address is printed on your check. If it is not, you can write a note with your address on it and send it with your check.

To give via telephone:

Call 800-525-9906 and tell the operator that you would like to support Wheaton Mock Trial.

Thank you for your generosity!